- Electronic presentations of both invited talks and contributed talks are now online (July 16).
- The Venue section has been updated with information about public transport in Amsterdam (July 2).
- A printable pdf file with the academic program is available here (July 2).
- Registration for the excursion is closed (July 1).
- Online registration for TACL09 is closed. On July 7, on site registration will be possible (July 1).
- The deadline for registering for the excursion is set to Wednesday July 1 at noon (June 23).
- PDF abstracts of contributed talks are now available at the contributed talks page (June 23).
- New information is available about the reimbursement procedure for TACL grantholders here (June 16).
- We have finalized the social program (June 16).
- The conference program is now online (June 16).
- Registration is now closed.
- There is a list of contributed talks (May 4, 2009).
- The conference poster is available as a PDF file.