Spinoza '96
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The NWO Spinoza Awards
Former Award Winners
Spinoza Committee Report
Acceptance Speech
About Spinoza (ext.)
van Benthem on Spinoza
Johan van Benthem (ext.)
About Logic in Action
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...in Action
Logic in Action Themes
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Logic in Communication
Dissemination of Logic
Computational Logic
Contact Information
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Our People
About this site
Logic Actions in..
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the Netherlands
The World
Logic Actions in Europe
In Europe the main institutional environment
for the Logic in Action project is the
European Association
for Logic, Language and Information ( FoLLI).
FoLLI was founded in 1991 to
advance research and education on the interfaces
between logic, linguistics, computer science and
cognitive science and related disciplines in Europe.
FoLLI gathered several enterprises under its aegis, including the Amsterdam
Colloquia in Formal Semantics,
the London-based Interest
Group in Pure and Applied Logic (IGPL), and the
European Summer Schools
in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI).
Logic in Action played a supporting role at all levels of the last
three Summer
Schools in
Saarbrücken (1998),
Utrecht (1999) and
Birmingham (2000). Students can apply for a grant to participate,
Logic in Action sponsors the annual Spinoza Lecture (see page 32),
and moreover, project leaders are involved in lecturing and
organization. Logic in Action also provides all OZSL Ph.D. students free
membership of FoLLI, including subscription to the Journal of Logic,
Language and Information.
The project participants furthermore
collaborate actively with several research
groups in Europe. We have indicated
what our main contacts have been
on the map of Europe below.
Special mention deserve the groups in London, Manchester and Saarbrücken,
with whom there has been intensive collaborative research on modal and
algebraic logic. Among other things this has lead to a text-book on Modal
Logic with two of the project leaders as co-author.