
After every PhD Council meeting, we write and approve minutes about the points discussed and decisions made for future reference. In June 2016, the council decided to make these minutes public. Here you can find PDF files with our minutes.


  • 26 September 2017
    1. Agenda of the PhD-council-MT meeting
    2. Problem with no new members joining the PhD council
    3. Organizing the next PhD day
    4. New round of TA allocation
  • 22 March 2017
    1. PVC report and response from MT
    2. TA allocation system building
    3. Update about IUS promovendi
    4. Complaints about toilets
    5. Career development course
    6. Stress meeting
    7. ILLC office understaffed
    8. Newsletter
    9. Common room decoration and workshop on sexual harassment
  • 16 January 2017
    1. Developments of PhD councils of FNWI/FGw
    2. Skill courses
    3. PhD bonus
    4. Communication between the PhD council and PhD community
    5. Facilities in common room
    6. PhD day
    7. TA allocation
    8. Others
  • 22 November 2016
    1. Coffee machine
    2. Improvement of the common room
    3. Yoga classes at the ILLC
    4. Communication internal
    5. Archive of MT minutes
    6. Next newsletter
    7. New members! Elections for council?
    8. Communication external
    9. TA allocation
  • 13 October 2016
    1. Unhappiness amongst fellow PhD students about TA point system
    2. Discussion with Thomas
    3. Conclude about TA point system
    4. Preparation for the meeting with MT
    5. Diversity report
    6. AOB + Secretary
  • 22 September 2016
    1. Finding new members
    2. PhD & MoL day
    3. PhD day
    4. Career day
    5. Cooperation between PhD Council and Ex Falso
    6. Budget meeting with Jenny & Tanja
    7. TA allocation next semester
    8. Public availability minutes
    9. AOB
    10. Ex Falso
  • 30 June 2016
    1. Approval minutes
    2. Communication with PhDs
    3. Buddy system
    4. Open letter, support FNWI letter
    5. PhD Day
    6. ILLC 25th anniversary
    7. AOB
    8. Ex Falso Social committee