Workshop From cognitive science and psychology to an empirically-informed philosophy of logic

Workshop From cognitive science and psychology to an empirically-informed philosophy of logic: Call for Papers
The call for papers is now closed.
We invite submissions of two-page abstracts (roughly 1000 words) from senior as well as young researchers and graduate students, working in philosophy, psychology, cognitive science and logic. We hope to have a multi-disciplinary line-up of contributed papers. PDF is the preferred format.

We are specifically interested in papers raising questions within (traditional) philosophy of logic which may benefit from an empirically-informed approach; at this point, it seems crucial that the right questions be raised.

We also welcome general, methodological papers on the very idea of, and prospects for, an empirically-based philosophy of logic - e.g. how can empirical data have any bearing at all on a (arguably) normative (as opposed to descriptive) enterprise such as logic?

Papers on how already available empirical results on human cognition can shed new light on traditional problems within the philosophy of logic - e.g. the meaning of the logical constants; naturalism, psychologism and realism in philosophy of logic; evolutionary accounts of logic and logical cognition; among many others - are particularly welcome.

See 'Theme' for further suggestions of relevant topics.

Submission deadline: June 20th 2010

Notification of acceptance: July 23rd 2010

Send your abstract to

 peipl2010 @

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