The selected papers of the previous three installments of TbiLLC were published by LNAI (Lecture Notes in Artifical Intelligence, Springer), and are available at the following websites:
The selected papers of TbiLLC 2011 will be published by LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer). The deadline for submitting manuscripts for the selected papers of TbiLLC 2011 is 1 March, 2012.
We have set an EasyChair account at
to handle the submissions.
The submission page has four categories: Language, Logic & Computation, Special Session on Frames, and Special Session on Logic & Agency. We request that you submit your paper under the category where your paper was accepted for presentation at the symposium.
The papers will be peer reviewed, and we expect the first round of reviewing to be completed by 1 June, 2012. The proceedings are expected to be published by the end of 2012. We will get back to you with the details on the format of the submissions later this month. The page limit for the accepted papers is roughly 15 pages LNCS style.
Typesetting guidlines
Please find below some guidelines for typesetting your contribution for the proceedings of the TbiLLC 2011. For the initial submission we do not require any specific layout or typesetting conventions - your submission is only required to be a 10-20 pages long .dvi, .ps, .pdf, .rtf or .doc file. However, in case of acceptance, your final submission must be fully compliant with the LNCS rules on typesetting. Therefore, we would advice you to already start looking at the guidelines to reduce the efforts for comprising the final version of your contribution.
The documents which clarify typesetting conventions (like paragraph titles, formulas, etc.) can be found at
Depending on the program used to write your contribution, you will find some more hints and some sample files at the following
Regarding the use of figures in your document
If possible, please produce your figures electronically - please download see techinen.pdf - and integrate them into your text file. For current LaTeX2e please use either the graphics or the graphicx package for inclusion of figures. For old LaTeX 2.09 and plainTeX users we recommend using the style files psfig.sty
Final Submission
The final submission must be fully compliant with LNCS style and must include:
- Completed copyright form (which can be found here)
- A text file including the name and the e-mail of the corresponding author
- Source (input) files:
- For example, LaTeX2e files for the text and PS/EPS or PDF/JPG files for all figures.
- Any further style files and fonts you have used together with your source files and that are not generally available at CTAN.
- Final DVI file (for papers prepared using LaTeX/TeX).
- Final PDF file (for reference). (v) RTF files (for word-processing systems other than LaTeX/TeX). If you have supplementary material on your server, please give the volume editors a short description and give them the relevant URL, etc. Then we can add a description of this material to the LNCS Online entry for your volume, and create a link to your server, etc.
The deadline for submissions is 1 March, 2012.