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ProceedingsGeneral Information: The Proceedings of the Workshop will be edited by Johan van Benthem, Shier Ju and Frank Veltman. It will be published by College Publications in London by August 2007, so that it will be available at the Workshop. The volume will consist of all the accepted papers, and contributed papers by the invited speakers. The deadline for camera ready version is 20 May, 2007. Instructions: When you prepare a paper for the Proceedings, we highly recommend that you use Latex. Please download the style file package kcp and then use the following as your preamble: \documentclass{book}\usepackage{kcp} \usepackage{makeidx,amssymb,latexsym} \makeindex \collection \begin{document} \paper[Short Title]{Long Title}{Author(s)} For the bibliography, please make your own bib file, and use the following style in Latex: \bibliographystyle{alpha}\bibliography{the name of your bib file} When you send us the final version of your paper, please send us your tex, pdf, and bib files together. Please also send us your and your co-author's affliction and email address. Your contribution to the Proceedings is very much appreciated, and crucially to the success of our Workshop. If you have any further questions concerning the Proceedings, please do not hesitate to contact our editors or organizers.
last modified on Friday, 11-May-2006 22:36:20 CEST (Fenrong) |