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Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg
August 4-15, 2008



LaCoLanguage & Computation
LaLoLanguage & Logic
LoCoLogic & Computation

For more information about the lecture halls and seminar rooms, see our lecture room page. The names listed under "Technical Assistance" are student volunteers who will act as a contact person for technical questions of the lecturers and workshop speakers during the course or workshop.

Integrating logic programs and connectionist systems

Intelligent systems based on logical knowledge processing on the one hand, and on artificial neural networks (also called connectionist systems) on the other, differ substantially. They are both standard approaches to artificial intelligence and it would be very desirable to combine the robust neural networking machinery with symbolic knowledge representation and reasoning paradigms like logic programming in such a way that the strengths of either paradigm will be retained. Current research, however, fails by far to achieve this goal, in particular for non-propositional logics. We will present past and present achievements in neural-symbolic integration. Starting from successful achievements for propositional logic, we will work towards discussing state-of-the-art research on the integration of first-order logic programming and connectionism, based on recent research publications by the organizors. The course shall emphasize the importance of neural-symbolic integration and stimulate research in this direction.

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