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Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg
August 4-15, 2008



LaCoLanguage & Computation
LaLoLanguage & Logic
LoCoLogic & Computation

For more information about the lecture halls and seminar rooms, see our lecture room page. The names listed under "Technical Assistance" are student volunteers who will act as a contact person for technical questions of the lecturers and workshop speakers during the course or workshop.

Computational dialogue modeling

This course will offer an introduction to the computational study of dialogue--a discipline that provides underpinnings for the design of dialogue systems and for models of human performance in conversational settings. Initially the main phenomena characteristic of dialogue interaction (incl dialogue acts and fragments) will be surveyed. We will then use these as a benchmark for describing and evaluating different approaches that have been taken in the design of dialogue systems (including script-, logic-, and information state-based approaches). After this, we will sketch a formal framework that is able to model the various phenomena described earlier, paying special attention to the nature of context and its distribution among the dialogue participants. The final part of the course will give a brief account of some recent significant directions in research on dialogue, covering multi-party and multi-modal dialogue interaction.

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