Matthias Baaz (Vienna), Rosalie Iemhoff (Vienna) |
Skolemization in Intuitionistic Logic |
Jose L. Balcazar (Barcelona) |
Query learning of Horn formulas revisited |
George Barmpalias (Leeds) |
Computably enumerable sets in the Solovay and Strong Weak truth table degrees |
Mathias Barra (Oslo), Lars Kristiansen (Oslo) |
The Small Grzegorczyk Classes and the Typed lambda-Calculus |
Giulia Battilotti (Padova), Paola Zizzi (Padova) |
The internal logic of Bell's states |
Josef Berger (München) |
The Fan Theorem and Uniform Continuity |
Udi Boker (Tel Aviv), Nachum Dershowitz |
How to Compare the Power of Computational Models |
Douglas Cenzer, Jeff Remmel |
The Complexity of Inductive Definability |
Yi-Xiang Chen (Shanghai), Jie Zhou |
Fuzzy Interval-valued Processes Algebra |
Pieter Collins (Amsterdam) |
Computable Analysis in Systems and Control |
Jose Felix Costa (Lisboa), Jerzy Mycka (Lublin) |
Polynomial complexity for analog computation |
Laura Crosilla, Andrea Cantini |
Constructive set theory with operations
Jérôme Durand-Losé (Orléans) |
Abstract geometrical computation: Turing-computing ability and undecidability |
Olivier Finkel (Paris) |
Borel ranks and Wadge degrees of context free omega-languages |
Dina Goldin (Storrs CT), Peter Wegner (Providence RI) |
The Church-Turing Thesis: Breaking the Myth |
Daniel Graça (Faro), Manuel Campagnolo (Lisbon), Jorge Buescu (Lisbon) |
Robust Simulations of Turing Machines with Analytic Maps and Flows |
Vince Grolmusz (Budapest) |
Defying dimensions modulo 6 |
Miguel Ángel Gutiérrez-Naranjo, Mario Pérez-Jiménez Francisco José Romero-Campero |
Solving SAT with membrane creation |
Charles Harris |
Symmetric Enumeration Reducibility |
Montserrat Hermo (San Sebastián), Joxe Gaintzarain, Marisa Navarro |
Learning Conjunctions of Hornsupset Clauses |
Eiju Hirowatari, Kouichi Hirata, Tetsuhiro Miyahara, Setsuo Arikawa |
On the Prediction of Recursive Real-Valued Functions |
Paulin Jacobe de Naurois, Olivier Bournez, Felipe Cucker, Jean-Yves Marion |
Logical Characterizations of P and NP over an Arbitrary Structure K |
Herman Ruge Jervell (Oslo) |
Finite trees as ordinals |
Herman Ruge Jervell (Oslo) |
Labeled finite trees as ordinal diagrams |
Viv Kendon, William J Munro |
Entanglement and its Role in Shor's Algorithm |
Ali A.Khanban (London), Abbas Edalat (London), A. Lieutier (Aix-en-Provence, Grenoble) |
Computability in Computational Geometry |
Tien D. Kieu |
Hypercomputability in Quantum Mechanics |
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen (Storrs CT) |
Almost everywhere domination and K-triviality |
Peter Koepke (Bonn) |
Computing a Model of Set Theory |
Margarita Korovina, Oleg Kudinov |
Towards Computability of Higher Type Continuous Data |
Lars Kristiansen (Oslo), Neil D. Jones (Copenhagen) |
The Flow of Data and the Complexity of Algorithms |
Igor Kuznetsov (Ulyanovsk) |
On an embedding of N5 lattice into the Turing degrees |
Branimir Lambov |
Complexity in a Type-1 Framework for Computable Analysis |
Branimir Lambov |
RealLib: an efficient implementation of exact real numbers |
Joseph Manning, Michel Schellekens |
A Programming Language for Automated Average-Case Time Analysis |
Klaus Meer |
On some relations between approximation problems and PCPs over the real numbers |
Krzysztof Michalak (Wrocław) , Halina Kwaśnicka (Wrocław) |
Correlation Dimension and the Quality of Forecasts Given by a Neural Network |
Kees Middelburg (Eindhoven), Jan Bergstra (Amsterdam) |
A Thread Algebra with Multi-Level Strategic Interleaving |
Pierluigi Minari |
Proof-Theoretical Methods in Combinatory Logic and Lambda-Calculus |
Victor Mitrana, Florin Manea, Carlos Martin-Vide |
Accepting Networks of Splicing Processors |
Erich Monteleone |
On the infinitary formal systems and Infinite Time Turing Machines |
Marcin Mostowski |
Potential infinity and the Church thesis |
Benedek Nagy |
An Interval-valued Computing Device |
Stela Nikolova |
On the notion of forall-definedness of non-deterministic programs |
Thanases Pheidas, Xavier Vidaux |
Complexity of addition and the set of squares: The analogue of Büchi's problem for rational functions |
Igor Potapov (Liverpool), Oleksiy Kurganskyy |
Universality of Walking Automata on a Class of Geometric Environments |
Jan Reimann (Heidelberg), Rod Downey (Wellington) |
Schnorr Dimension |
Victor Selivanov (Novosibirsk) |
Some reducibilities on regular sets |
Krishna Shankara Narayanan (Mumbai) |
The Power of Mobility : Four Membranes Suffice |
Dimiter Skordev |
A computability notion for locally finite lattices |
Boris Solon |
Non-total enumeration degrees |
Ivan Soskov (Sofia) |
Uniform Operators |
Alexandra Soskova (Sofia) |
Minimal Pairs and Quasi-Minimal Degrees for the Joint Spectra of Structures |
Alexey Stukachev |
Presentations of Structures in Admissible Sets |
Haibin Sun (Changchun), Wenhui Li |
Rules-based Spatial Reasoning Combining Topological and Cardinal Directional Relations |
Apostolos Syropoulos |
Fuzzy P Systems: Steps Towards Hypercomputation |
Paul Taylor (Manchester) |
A lambda calculus for real analysis |
Sebastiaan Terwijn (Vienna) |
Kripke models, distributive lattices, and Medvedev degrees |
John V Tucker (Swansea), Edwin Beggs (Swansea) |
Newtonian systems, bounded in space, time, mass and energy can compute all functions |
Raymond Turner |
Computability in Specification |
Puzarenko Vadim |
Computable Principles in admissible structures |
Paul J. Voda, Lars Kristiansen |
Kleene-Kreisel Functionals and Computational Complexity |
Andreas Weiermann (Utrecht) |
A very slow growing hierarchy for the Howard Bachmann ordinal |
Philip Welch (Bristol) |
Arithmetical Quasi-inductive definitions and the transfinite action of 1-tape Turing Machines |
Damien Woods (Cork), J. Paul Gibson |
Complexity of continuous space machine operations |
Zheng Xizhong (Cottbus), Robert Rettinger (Hagen) |
On the Turing Degrees of Divergence Bounded Computable Reals |
Konrad Zdanowski (Siedlce), Marcin Mostowski (Warsaw) |
FM--representabiliy and beyond |
Martin Ziegler |
Computability and Continuity on the Real Arithmetic Hierarchy |
Paola Zizzi |
Computability at the Planck scale |
Jeffery Zucker (Hamilton), John V Tucker (Swansea) |
A network model of analogue computation over metric algebras |