The (online-registration) conference fees are as follows:
Online registration (at above rates) will end August 7th, after
which registration will only be possible on-site in cash, at a
higher rate (150 / 80 Euro).
Payment can be made via bank transfer or credit card.
Please download the registration
form here, print it,
fill it in, and send it per fax to +49 331 977 -2761 /
-2087. (Sorry, a bit 20th century, but apparently the only way
the uni can handle this.)
Please allow a couple of days for processing, but we will confirm
by email that we've got your registration.
Please note that the room contingent at
the Kongresshotel is only blocked until July 28th! You can
book the hotel independently from registering here.
Last Changes: 27/06/06, das.