Scientific organizers
Sara L. Uckelman and Daniele Porello, ILLC, University of Amsterdam.
There is no registration fee, but if you are planning to attend, please email Sara before 1 February so that we have an idea of how many people to expect, for planning the coffee breaks, etc.
Local organizers
Marie-Hélène Gorisse, Laurent Keiff, and Aude Popek, Dept. of Philosophy, Université Lille 3.
If you would like assistance making hotel reservations, contact Marie-Hélène at mhgorisse@gmail.com, as she is making arrangements for all participants at the Hotel Saint-Maurice, a 5 min. walk from both of the train stations.
List of Participants
Alama, Jesse (Lisbon)
Bares Gomez, Cristina (Zaragosa)
Clerbout, Nicolas (Lille)
De Vuyst, Jonas (Amsterdam)
Fontaine, Matthieu (Lille)
Galliani, Pietro (Amsterdam)
Genot, Emmanuel (Lille)
Gorisse, Marie-Helene (Lille)
Hoogland, Eva (ESF)
Keiff, Laurent (Lille)
Löwe, Benedikt (Amsterdam)
Magnier, Sebastien (Lille)
Maudet, Nicolas (Paris)
Nzokou, Gildas (Lille)
Oetke, Claus (Stockholm)
Pietz, Andreas (Barcelona)
Popek, Aude (Lille)
Porello, Daniele (Amsterdam)
Rahman, Shahid (Lille)
Roschger, Christoph (Vienna)
Strobino, Riccardo (Pisa)
Tranchini, Luca (Tübingen)
Tulenheimo, Tero (Lille)
Uckelman, Sara L. (Amsterdam)
This event, as part of the European Science Foundation EUROCORES Programme LogICCC, is supported by funds from AKA, DASTI, DFG, FCT, FWF, FNRS, GACR, ISF, MICINN, NWO, NZZ, TÜBITAK, VR.
