- 15-18 September 2011: LogICCC Final Conference.
- 8 June 2011: PORI Spontaneous DepLog Workshop. Pori Art Museum, Pori, Finland.
- 8-12 August 2011: Workshop on Logical Constants at ESSLLI 2011, Ljbuljana, Slovenia
- 2-3 April 2011: Oxford LINT Workshop, Oxford, UK
- 9-20 August 2010: Workshop on Dependence and Independence in Logic, Copenaghen, Denmark
- 22-24 July 2010, LINT mid-term meeting
- 22 June 2010, A Workshop on Dependence Logic
- Open calls for cross-CRP Activities (Deadline: May 15 for summer activities, September 15 for activities between October 2010 and September 2011)
- 26-28 March 2010: Modelling Interaction, Dialog, Social Choice and Vagueness, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- 13-14 December 2009, Workshop on Structural Aspects of Rationality, IIT Kanpur, India
- 7-8 November 2009: First DepLog Workshop, Stokholm, Sweden
- 22-23 October 2009: Second GASICS Meeting, Aachen, Germany
- 7-11 October 2009: Workshop of Logic, Rationality and Interaction, Chongqing, China
- 19-21 February 2009: First LogCon Workshop, Tampere, Finland