Modal Logic and Classic Logic
About the translator
Professor Qingyu Zhang is translating this volume.

He is a logician in the Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. His own research area are: modal logic, conditional logic, relevant logic, paraconsitent logic and logics in the Book of Changes.
New Structure of the book
To reflect the most recent development on the issues investigated in the book Modal Logic and Classic Logic, the Chinese volume will include a few more papers below. We will also add a short biography of van Benthem:
- Modal Logic and Classical Logic, Bibliopolis, Napoli, 1983.
- Minimal Predicates, Fixed-Points, and Definability, Journal of Symbolic Logic 70:3 (2005), 696-712.
- Modal Frame Correspondences and Fixed-Points, Studia Logica 83:1 (2006), 133-155.
- Man Muss Immer Umkehren, 2007, Rahman Festschrift.
- Biography of Johan van Benthem.
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Last updated: 26 October, 2007