Logic, Language, and Cognition
WHO are involved?
WANG Yi Peking University, now in New Zealand |
GUO Meiyun Southwest University, Chongqing
XIA Sumin Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing
LIU Xinwen Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing |
FU Qingfang Peking University, Beijing
JU Fengkui Peking University, Beijing
ZHANG Liying Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing |
YU yu Southwest University, Chongqing |
WANG Lei Southwest University, Chongqing |
GAO Dongping Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing
Ma Minghui Tsinghua University, Beijing |
Papers to translate
Quantifiers in natural and formal languages
- 1983, Questions about Quantifiers, Journal of Symbolic Logic, 49(2): 443-466. (Translated by LIU Xinwen, checked by XIA sumin)
- 1987, Semantic Automata, In D. de Jongh et al., eds., Studies in the Theory of Generalized Quantifiers and Discourse Representation, Foris, Dordrecht,
(GRASS series, vol. 8), 1-25. (Translated by MA Minghui, checked by LIU Xinwen)
- 1989, Polyadic Quantifiers, Linguistics and Philosophy, 12:4, 437-464. (Translated by and XIA Sumin, checked by LIU Xinwen)
- 1996, Quantifiers in the World of Types, in Jaap van der Does and Jan van Eijck eds.,
Quantifiers, Logic and Language, CSLI Lecture Notes 54, Stanford, 47-62.(Translated by XIA Sumin, checked by MA Minghui)
Categorial grammar and proof theory
- 1987, Categorial Grammar and Lambda Calculus. In D.
Skordev, editor, Mathematical Logic and Its Applications. Plenum Press,
New York, 39-60. (Translated by GUO Meiyun and WANG Lei, checked by GAO Dongping)
- 1988, The Lambek Calculus, in R. Oehrle, E. Bach and D. Wheeler, eds.,
Categorial Grammars and Natural Language Structures, Reidel, Dordrecht, 35-68. (Translated by GAO Dongping, checked by GUO Meiyun)
- 1988, Semantic Type Change and Syntactic Recognition, in G. Chierchia, B. H. Partee & R. Turner eds., Properties, Types and Meaning, Volume 1, Kluwer, 1989. 231-249.(Translated by JU Fengkui, GAO Dongping)
- 1990, Categorial Grammar and Type Theory, Journal of Philosophical Logic, 19, 115-168. (Translated by JU Fengkui, checked by GUO Meiyun)
- 2003, Categorial Grammar at a Cross-Roads, in G-J Kruijff & R. Oehrle, eds., Resource-Sensitivty, Binding,
Anaphora, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 3-21.
(Translated by GAO Dongping, checked by JU Fengkui)
- 2005, The Categorial Fine-Structure of Natural Language, in
C. Casadio, P.J. Scott, R.A.G. Seely, eds., Language and Grammar: Studies in Mathematical Linguistics and Natural Language, CSLI Publications Stanford (CSLI Lecture
Notes Number 168), 3-29. (Translated by GUO Meiyun and YU Yu, checked by JU Fengkui)
Logic, computation, and cognition
- 1987, Toward a Computational Semantics. in P. Gärdenfors, ed.,Generalized Quantifiers: Linguistic and Logical Approaches, Reidel, Dordrecht, 31-71.(Translated by WANG Yi, checked by FU Qingfang)
- 1987, Meaning: Interpretation and Inference, Synthese, 73:3,
451-470. (Translated by WANG Yi, checked by ZHANG Liying)
- 1989, Semantic Parallels in Natural Language and Computation, in H-D. Ebbinghaus et al., eds., Logic Colloquium. Granada 1987,North-Holland, Amsterdam,
331-375. (Translated by FU Qingfang, checked by ZHANG Liying)
- 2007, Cognition as Interaction, in G. Bouma, I. Krämer &
J. Zwarts, eds., Cognitive Foundations of Interpretation, KNAW Amsterdam, 27-38. (Translated by FU Qingfang, checked by WANG Yi)
- 2007, Computation as Conversation, to appear in A. Sorbi.ed., Computation
in Europe. (Translated by ZHANG Liying, checked by WANG Yi)
- 2007, A Brief History of Natural Logic, to appear in B. Lowe and S.Ghosh eds., Kolkata Volume. (Translated by ZHANG Liying, checked by FU Qingfang)
Important practical points
- The book will be published at the Science Press in Beijing. We aim to get a final version ready for the publisher in July 2008.
- van Benthem is happy to explain any questions you may have when translating those works, please feel free to email him. But do remember to accumulate questions first.
- Please send your comments or suggestions to fenrong_at_mail.tsinghua.edu.cn.
Links to the relevant books
- Johan van Benthem. Essays in Logical Semantics. Reidel, Dordrecht. 1986.
- Johan van Benthem. Language in Action: Categories, Lambdas and
Dynamic Logic, volume 130 of Studies in Logic. North-Holland, Amsterdam. 1991.
- Johan van Benthem and Alice ter Meulen, eds. Handbook of Logic and Language, The MIT Press, 1997.
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Last updated: 12 July, 2008