Manfred Krifka Humboldt Universität zu Berlin & Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft Berlin Question-Answer Congruence and the Proper Representation of Focus One of the typical usages of focus is to mark the congruence of an answer to a question, such as When will Fritz go to Potsdam? Fritz will go to Potsdam TOMORROW , where the focused item "tomorrow" corresponds to the question constituent "when". In this talk I will review a number of arguments centering aroung congruent question-answer relations that have informed us about the nature and proper representation of focus. In particular, I will argue for a structured meaning approach for focus, and for a distinction between focus and focus phrases. Krifka, Manfred (2001), For a structured account of questions and answers, in Caroline Féry & Wolfgang Sternefeld, Audiatur vox sapientiae. A Festschrift for Achim von Stechow, Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 287-319. Krifka, Manfred (2006). Association with focus phrases. In V. Molnar & S. Winkler (eds.), The Architecture of Focus, Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Krifka, Manfred (to appear), The semantics of questions and the focusation of answers, in Chungmin Lee, Matthew Gordon & Daniel Büring, Topic and focus: A cross-linguistic perspective, Dordrecht, Kluwer, 139-151.