The workshop is intended to enable philosophers, logicians and mathematicians to discuss the fruitfulness and viability of a practice-based approach to logic. Within the philosophy of mathematics this approach already has a certain standing, so practice-based philosophy of mathematics can serve as a starting point for the development of a practice-based philosophy of logic. We hope to offer a novel vantage point into what is after all an essentially human and social activity, the practice of logic. What do logicians do? How do they conduct their researches, individually and within the scientific community? How do they communicate with each other? Answers to these questions may offer new insights into the most fundamental issues that the philosophy of logic must address, such as: What is logic? What is logic about? Is there a common ground to the different activities that receive the label ‘logic’ at different times and places, or is it a mere case of equivocation? To address the matter of what logic is about, for example, the observation of what logicians actually talk about and deal with in their practices seems a more promising strategy than aprioristic definitions of what logic ought to be about.
See 'Theme' for a more detailed exposition of the purpose of the workshop.
Submission deadline: 1 March 2009
Dates: August 31st –September 2nd 2009
Place: Doelenzaal – Singel 425, Amsterdam (inside the University Library – see 'Workshop Venue')
Organizer: Catarina Dutilh Novaes
Scientific committee: Catarina Dutilh Novaes, Martin Stokhof, Benedikt Löwe
Confirmed speakers:
Juliet Floyd (Philosophy – Boston University)
Rohit Parikh (Philosophy and Computer Science – City University of New York)
Stephen Read (Philosophy – St. Andrews)
Benedikt Löwe (ILLC – University of Amsterdam)
Martin Stokhof (Philosophy and ILLC – University of Amsterdam)
Wilfrid Hodges (Mathematics – University of London)
Samson Abramsky (Computer Science – Oxford University)
Jean Paul van Bendegem (Philosophy – Free University Brussels)
Thomas Müller (Philosophy – Utrecht University)
Göran Sundholm (Philosophy – Leiden University)
Mathieu Marion (Philosophy – University of Quebec - Montreal)
Johan van Benthem (ILLC – University of Amsterdam)
Catarina Dutilh Novaes (Philosophy and ILLC – University of Amsterdam)
Contributed papers:
Danielle Macbeth (Philosophy – Haverford College)
John Baldwin (Mathematics and Computer Science –University of Illinois at Chicago)
Sébastien Gandon (Philosophy – Université Clermont II)
Andrew Aberdein (Philosophy –Florida Institute of Technology)
Amirouche Moktefi and Fabien Schang (IRIST, Strasbourg and Archives Poincare, Nancy)
For further information, please write to C.Dutilhnovaes [youknowwhat]