The Academiegebouw

Logic and Games Event

Tuesday November 21, 2000
Senaatskamer, Academiegebouw

The day after the Ph.D. defense of Hans van Ditmarsch, the fourth Workshop on Games in Logic, Language and Computation will be held in Groningen, Tuesday, November 21.

The workshop series "Games in Logic, Language and Computation" has started out as an informal event where researchers in the ILLC community discuss their interest in the use of games and game theory in the area of logic and language. The third meeting has recently taken place at the Schoolweek of the Dutch Research School in Logic in Nunspeet, and with this fourth meeting in Groningen we have gone international.

The workshop is open to all interested, and there is no participation fee. We would appreciate it, however, if all those who want to participate mail Barteld Kooi.

The fourth meeting on Games in Logic, Language and Computation has been made possible by the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science (University of Groningen) and the Logic in Communication group (University of Amsterdam). The organizers are Paul Dekker, Hans van Ditmarsch, Barteld Kooi, Gerard Renardel de Lavalette and Rineke Verbrugge.

For more information, contact Paul Dekker or Barteld Kooi

Hans van Ditmarsch: Foto:Eric Brinkhorst


coffee (from 10.00) lunch in the receptiezaal (sandwiches available) tea drinks in the Spiegelzaal at the Academiegebouw

Travel Information

Dutch train schedules for rail departure and arrival times throughout the netherlands and international european destinations can be found at the Nederlandse Spoorwegen. There is one important thing you should be carefull about in the train. This holds for most trains bound for the north of the Netherlands. There is one part of the train that is bound for Leeuwarden and one part of the train that is bound for Groningen. These are two parts of the same train!! The train is split into two parts in Zwolle.

The Groninger Museum

To go from Groningen Central Station to the Academiegebouw exit the Station main entrance (facing North), go a bit to the right and cross the canal at the 20 meter high yellow matchbox (this happens to be the Groninger Museum). Then walk straight on for about 10 minutes (H.N. Werkmanbrug, Ubbo Emmiusstraat, Folkingestraat, Vismarkt, Stoeldraaiersstraat, Oude Kijk in 't Jatstraat). Then turn right at the Academieplein. There you find the Academiegebouw. A map of the city centre can be found here. You can of course also take a taxi, which can also be found at the main entrance of the station.


Accomodation can be found at In genereal this is DFL 3 tourist tax per person per night.
For more information about accomodation: Tourist Information Groningen (VVV Groningen).
Barteld Kooi