Private information
Much communication is between actors who do not know the same things and want to inform each other. But much social communication involves essential privacy, where not everyone is supposed to learn the same things. One of the earliest and most influential systems of dynamic-epistemic logic arose from analyzing private communications.
Ji Ruan. Exploring the Update Universe. Master's thesis at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, Universiteit van Amsterdam (ILLC Master of Logic Thesis Series MoL-2004-08), 2004.
Jan van Eijck, Ji Ruan, and Tomasz Sadzik. Action emulation. Synthese, 185(Supplement-1):131–151, 2012.
Andres Cordón-Franco, Hans van Ditmarsch, D. Fernández-Duque, F. Soler-Toscano. A colouring protocol for the generalized russian cards problem. Theoretical Computer Science, 495:81–95, 2013.