Groups and social scenarios
Information flow happens with individual agents, but typically also in multi-agent scenarios of communication and interaction. Groups of agents can even become actors themselves that process information and have knowledge and beliefs. Several systems of dynamic-epistemic logic have been put forward in recent years that handle information flow and long-term belief formation in groups with social structure.
Alexandru Baltag, Sonja Smets. Protocols for belief merge: Reaching agreement via communication. Logic Journal of the IGPL, 21(3):468-487, 2013. Prepublication version available.
Fenrong Liu, Jeremy Seligman, Patrick Girard. Logical dynamics of belief change in the community. Synthese, 191(11):2403-2431, 2014.
Alexandru Baltag, Zoé Christoff, Rasmus K. Rendsvig, Sonja Smets. Dynamic Epistemic Logic of Diffusion and Prediction in Social Networks. 2015. Prepublication version available.
Liang Zhen, Jeremy Seligman. A Logical Model of the Dynamics of Peer Pressure. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 278:275-288, 2011.
Anya Yermakova, Alexandru Baltag. A Dynamic-Epistemic Logic for Mobile Structured Agents. In Integral Biomathics: Tracing the Road to Reality, 129-141, Springer, 2012. Prepublication version available.
Jeremy Seligman, Fenrong Liu, Patrick Girard. Facebook and the epistemic logic of friendship. In Proceedings of the 14th Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge (TARK 2013), 229-238, 2013.
Alexandru Baltag, Zoé Christoff, Jens Ulrik Hansen, Sonja Smets. Logical Models of Informational Cascades. In Logic Across the University: Foundations and Applications. Proceedings of the Tsinghua Logic Conference, Beijing, 2013, 405-432, College Publications, 2013. Prepublication version available.
Sujata Ghosh, Fernando R. Velázquez-Quesada. Agreeing to Agree: Reaching Unanimity via Preference Dynamics Based on Reliable Agents. In Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems AAMAS 2015, 1491-1499, ACM, 2015. Prepublication version available.
Zoé Christoff, Jens Ulrik Hansen, Carlo Proietti. Reflecting on Social Influence in Networks. Journal of Logic, Language and Information, 25(3-4):299-333, 2016. Prepublication version available.
Hans van Ditmarsch, Jan van Eijck, Pere Pardo, Rahim Ramezanian, François Schwarzentruber. Gossip in Dynamic Networks. In Liber Amicorum Alberti - A Tribute to Albert Visser, 91-98, College Publications, 2016. Prepublication version available.