Invited Talk |
14.00 -- 15.00 |
J.F.A.K van Benthem |
Contributed Papers |
Logic and Computation |
Language |
15.15 -- 15.45 |
--- |
A. Bende-Farkas |
15.45 -- 16.15 |
R. Schwitter et al. |
E. Goduadze |
16.15 -- 16.45 |
Th. Uturgaidze et al. |
J. Bos et al. |
16.45 -- 17.15 |
M. Janssen |
Z. Kikvidze |
17.15 -- 17.45 |
M. Tandashvili |
A. Lecomte |
Invited Talk |
18.00 -- 19.00 |
G. Gottlob |
Back to
Tutorials |
9.00 -- 10.15 |
Tutorial by |
Tutorial by |
10.45 -- 12.00 |
Tutorial by |
Lunch |
Invited Talk |
14.00 -- 15.00 |
J. Gippert |
Contributed Papers |
Logic and Computation |
Language |
15.15 -- 15.45 |
M. Baaz et al. |
R. Asatiani |
15.45 -- 16.15 |
A. Kurucz |
P. Blok |
Coffee Break |
16.45 -- 17.15 |
D. Gabelaia |
R. Naumann |
17.15 -- 17.45 |
M. Marx |
N. Shengelaia |
Invited Talk |
18.00 -- 19.00 |
I. Melchuk |
Back to
Tutorials |
9.00 -- 10.15 |
Tutorial by |
Tutorial by |
10.45 -- 12.00 |
Tutorial by |
Lunch |
14.00 -- |
Recreation |
Back to
Tutorials |
9.00 -- 10.15 |
Tutorial by |
Tutorial by |
10.45 -- 12.00 |
Tutorial by |
Lunch |
Invited Talk |
14.00 -- 15.00 |
--- |
Contributed Papers |
Logic and Computation |
Language |
15.15 -- 15.45 |
J. Gerbrandy |
R. Huybrechts et al. |
15.45 -- 16.15 |
R. van Rooy |
K. Datukishvili et al. |
16.15 -- 16.45 |
P. Boldini |
P. Meurer |
16.45 -- 17.15 |
C. Vogel |
M. Ivanishvili |
17.15 -- 17.45 |
P. Bohlin et al. |
G. Chikoidze |
Invited Talk |
18.00 -- 19.00 |
I. Boguslavsky |
Back to
Tutorials |
9.00 -- 10.15 |
Tutorial by |
Tutorial by |
10.45 -- 12.00 |
Tutorial by |
Lunch |
Invited Talk |
14.00 -- 15.00 |
--- |
Contributed Papers |
Logic and Computation |
Language |
15.15 -- 15.45 |
R. Iemhoff |
A.F. Gelbukh et al. |
15.45 -- 16.15 |
G. Bezanishvili |
A. Latrouite |
Coffee Break |
16.45 -- 17.15 |
E. Hoogland |
T. Matcharashvili |
17.15 -- 17.45 |
L. Esakia |
L. Margvelani |
Invited Talk |
18.00 -- 19.00 |
A. Zaenen |
Back to
indexI. Hodkinson
"Aspects of relation algebras"
Department of Computing
Imperial College
L. Karttunen
"Computation and Morphology"
Grenoble Laboratory
Xerox Research Centre Europe
D. Westerstahl
Department of Philosophy
University of Stockholm
J.F.A.K van Benthem
"Logic Games and Game Logics"
Universiteit van Amsterdam
I. Boguslavsky
"Interplay of lexical semantics, communicative structure and pragmatics: modality, comparatives and negation"
Institute for Information Transmission Problems
Russian Academy of Sciences
G. Gottlob
"Logic, Formal Languages, and Complexity"
Technische Universitaet Wien
Vienna University of Technology
V. Pratt
"Subject-Predicate Interaction as a Linguistic Model of Mathematics"
Dept of Computer Science
Stanford University
A. Di Nola
"The algebraic models of Lukasiewicz's Sentential Calculus"
University of Napels
A. Zaenen
"Finite State Lexical Mapping: an Optimal Approach"
Grenoble Laboratory
Xerox Research Centre Europe
Rusudan Asatiani
"Correlation of "Markering" and Dominant Category of language"
The Oriental Institute
Georgian Academy of Sciences
M. Baaz, C. Fermueller and Helmut Veith
"An Analytic Calculus for Quantified Propositional Goedel Logic"
Technische Universitaet Wien
Agnes Bende-Farkas
"Existential Sentences and Possessive Constructions"
Universit\"at Stuttgart
Guram Bezhanishvili
"Q-Heyting Algebras as Reducts of Monadic Heyting Algebras"
Institute of Cybernetics
Georgian Academy of Sciences
Patrick Blackburn, Johan Bos, Michael Kohlhase
"Automated Reasoning for Computational Semantics"
Universit\"at des Saarlandes
Peter Blok and Paul Dekker
"Specificity on the Dynamic Interface"
Institute for Logic, Language and Computation
University of Amsterdam
Peter Bohlin, Robin Cooper, Elisabet Engdahl and Staffan Larsson
"Accommodating Information States in Dialogue"
Dept of Linguistics
G{\"o}teborg University
Pascal Boldini
"Nonstandard Type Theory and Natural Language Semantics"
Universit\'e Paris-Sorbonne
G. Chikoidze, E.Dokvadze, L. Godabrelidze
"Semantics of a pair of Russian verb prefixes"
Inst. of Control Systems
Georgian Academy of Sciences
K. Datukishvili et al.
"Formalized Morphological Model of Georgian language"
Institute of Linguistics
Georgian Academy of Sciences
Leo Esakia and Revaz Grigolia
"Formulas of One Propositional Variable in the Intuitionistic Logic With the Solovay's Modality"
Institute of Cybernetics
Georgian Academy of Sciences
David Gabelaia
"Tableau Systems for Modalized Heyting calculus"
Department of Foundations of Mathematics
Tbilisi State University
Jelle Gerbrandy
"The Designated Student"
ILLC/Department of Philosophy
University of Amsterdam
Eliso Goduadze
"Algebraic description of the model for the flexive wordbuilding of the Georgian Nouns"
Arn. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics
Georgian Academy of Sciences
A.F. Gelbukh et al.
"`Non Adult' Semantic Field: Comparative Analysis for English, Spanish, and Russian"
Laboratorio de Investigacion en Computacion
Instituto Politecnico National
Eva Hoogland, Maarten Marx, Martin Otto
"Beth Definability for the Guarded Fragment"
University of Amsterdam
Riny Huijbregts, Reinhard Muskens and Henk van Riemsdijk
"Interface in Space"
Department of Linguistics
Tilburg University
Rosalie Iemhoff
"The Admissible Rules of Intuitionistic Propositional Logic and Heyting Arithmetic"
ILLC/Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Amsterdam
Marine Ivanishvili and Ether Soselia
"Morphological Structure and Semantic Analysis of the Georgian so Called Passive Forms"
The Oriental Institute
Georgian Academy of Sciences
Maarten Janssen
"A MultiLingual Lexical Database---Using a Structured Interlingua
Utrecht Institute of Linguistics"
Universteit Utrecht
Zaal Kikvidze and Revaz Tchantouria
"Joint Parameterization of Honorifics and Terms of Address in Kartvelian Languages"
Department of General Linguistics
Kutaisi State University and Department of Linguistics and Phonetics Lund University
Agnes Kurucz
"KxKx...xK is not Finitely Axiomatisable"
Department of Computing
Imperial College
Anja Latrouite and Ralf Naumann
"An interpretation of Topic, Voice-Affixes and Verb Stems in Tagalog"
Seminar f\"ur Sprachwissenschaft
University of D\"usseldorf
Alain Lecomte and Christian Retor\'e
"A Minimal Logic for Minimalism"
LORIA/Nancy and IRISA/Rennes
Universit\'e Grenoble-2
L.Margvelani and L.Samsonadze
"Linguistic Processors and Their Application to Georgian Text-Speech System
Inst. of Control Systems"
Georgian Academy of Sciences
Maarten Marx
Guarded Fragments and Relativised Semantics
Department of WINS
University of Amsterdam
T.N. Matcharashvili and I. V. Gagoidze
"Nonlinear structure of Georgian texts"
Department of Informatics
National Health Management Center
Paul Meurer
"A Morphological Parser for Georgian"
Humanities Information Technologies Centre
University of Bergen
Ralf Naumann and Rainer Osswald
"A Dynamic Modal Arrow Logic for the Interpretation of Aspectual Phenomena in Natural Language"
Seminar f\"ur Sprachwissenschaft
University of D\"usseldorf
Robert van Rooy
"Disjunctive and Conjunctive Permission Sentences"
University of Amsterdam
Rolf Schwitter, Diego Moll\'a and Michael Hess
"ExtrAns Answer Extraction from Technical Documents by Minimal Logical Forms und Selective Highlighting"
Department of Computer Science
University of Zurich
Nana Shengelaia
"Some Aspects of General Semantics of Empty Words"
Department of Theoretical and Stuctural Linguistics
Tbilisi State University
Manana Tandashvili
"Main Aspects of Computer Research in the Udi Language"
Arn. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics
Georgian Academy of Sciences
Th. Uturgaidze et al.
"Production-Based Model of Verb Paradigm for Georgian Language"
Arn.Chikobavas Institute of Linguistics
Georgian Academy of Sciences
Carl Vogel and Jonathan Ginzburg
"A Theory of Situated Modality"
Computational Linguistics Lab and Department of English
University of Dublin and Hebrew University of Jerusalem