Volume 3 : Logic and the Foundations of Game and Decision Theory (LOFT 7)
Giacomo Bonanno and Wiebe van der Hoek and Michael Wooldridge (eds.)
This volume in the Texts in Logic and Games series grew out of the seventh conference on Logic and the Foundations of the Theory of Games and Decisions (LOFT 7), which took place in Liverpool, in July 2006. The LOFT conferences are interdisciplinary events that bring together researchers from a variety of fields: computer science, economics, game theory, linguistics, logic, multi-agent systems, psychology, philosophy, social choice and statistics. Topics that fall under the LOFT umbrella include epistemic and temporal logic, theories of information processing and belief revision, models of bounded rationality, non-monotonic reasoning, theories of learning and evolution, mental models, etc. The papers collected in this volume reflect the variety of interests and the interdisciplinary composition of the LOFT community.
Preface 7–10
Alexandru Baltag, Sonja Smets
A Qualitative Theory of Dynamic Interactive Belief Revision 9–58
Giacomo Bonanno
A Syntactic Approach to Rationality in Games with Ordinal Payoffs 59–86
Hans van Ditmarsch, Barteld Kooi
Semantic Results for Ontic and Epistemic Change 87–117
Wiebe van der Hoek, Mark Roberts, Michael Wooldridge
Social Laws and Anti-Social Behaviour 119–151
Alexander Nittka, Richard Booth
A Method for Reasoning about Other Agents' Beliefs from Observations 153–182
R. Ramanujam, Sunil Simon
A Logical Structure for Strategies 183–208
Giacomo Sillari
Models of Awareness 209–240