Volume 1 : Interactive Logic 
Selected Papers from the 7th Augustus de Morgan Workshop, London.
Johan van Benthem, Benedikt Löwe, Dov Gabbay (eds.)
Traditionally, logic has dealt with the zero-agent notion of truth and the one-agent notion of reasoning. In the last decades, research focus in logic shifted from these topics to the vast field of interactive logic, encompassing logics of communication and interaction. The main applications of this move to multi-agent notions are logical approaches to games and social software. The wealth of applications in these areas was the focus of the 7th Augustus de Morgan Workshop in November 2005. At this workshop, the idea of the new book series Texts in Logic and Games was born, and so it is very appropriate that this collection of excellent papers from the workshop is now published as the first volume of the new series.
Preface 7 - 9
Samson Abramsky
A Compositional Game Semantics for Multi-Agent Logics of Partial Information 11 - 47
Stefano Borgo
Quantificational Modal Operators and Their Semantics 49 - 69
Adam Brandenburger
A Note on Kuhn's Theorem 71 - 88
Erich Grädel, Lukasz Kaiser
What Kind of Memory is Needed to Win Infinitary Muller Games? 89 - 116
Wilfrid Hodges
Logics of Imperfect Information: Why Sets of Assignments? 117 - 133
Eric Pacuit, Rohit Parikh
Reasoning about Communication Graphs 135 - 157
Andrés Perea
Epistemic Foundations for Backward Induction: An Overview 159 - 193
Brian Semmes
Multitape Games 195 - 207
Merlijn Sevenster
The Complexity of Scotland Yard 209 - 246
Tero Tulenheimo, Merlijn Sevenster
Approaches to Independence Friendly Modal Logic 247 - 280
Jouko Väänänen
Team Logic 281 - 302
Jan van Eijck
DEMO — A Demo of Epistemic Modelling 303 -362