KNAW Academy Colloquium

New perspectives on Games and Interaction

Call for Abstracts

The Call for Abstracts is closed.

Recently, the dynamic and interactive aspects of logical reasoning, communication, and information processing have become central in logic, linguistics and computer science. It is the interplay of many actors with goals and preferences, whether human or computational, which underlies their core tasks. To account for these interactive aspects, the notion of a 'game' as a mathematical model of strategic interaction between players with their own preferences on the possible outcomes has proved to be important in all those disciplines. The purpose of this colloquium is to encourage these incipient interactions between the various disciplines thinking about games and interaction, and clarify their common concerns and potential for fruitful collaboration.

The colloquium will be organized as an Academy Colloquium of the Royal Acedemy of the Netherlands (KNAW) and will consist of fifteen invited talks by international speakers that cover various aspects of games in logic, computer science, economics, and linguistics. Each talk will be followed by a commentary and discussion.

We also plan eight shorter talks of 15+5 minutes (15 minutes talk, 5 minutes discussion) selected from submitted abstracts. We invite researchers to submit abstracts for these shorter talks before our deadline of

NOVEMBER 29th, 2006.

We would like to emphasize the importance of the active involvement of junior scientists, and therefore particularly encourage PhD students and junior postdocs to submit abstracts.

Submitted abstracts should not exceed 2 pages (including bibliography). Only electronic submissions in PDF format will be accepted. The authors should send an email with subject "Submission KNAW Academy Colloquium" to Robert van Rooij, with the PDF file of the abstract as an attachment, and the following information in the body of the email in plain text:

  • Title of abstract.
  • Author names.
  • Surface mail, email address, and phone number of the contact author.
Important Dates.
Deadline for Submission: November 29, 2006
Notification of Acceptance: December 5, 2006

Last changed: January 17th, 2007