Games and Social Software
7th Augustus de Morgan Workshop
King's College London
November 4-7, 2005
Ludolf Bakhuizen, XVIIth century
List of Speakers.
Samson Abramsky
Socially aware, environmentally friendly logic
Krzysztof Apt
The Many Faces of Rationalizability
Stefano Borgo
Quantificational modal operators and their semantics
Julian Bradfield
Independence-friendly Modal and Temporal Logic
Adam Brandenburger
(New York NY):
Can Hidden Variables Explain Correlation?
Konrad Grabiszewski (New York NY):
Type Space with Disintegrability
Erich Grädel
Positional Determinacy o$ Many Priorities
Wilfrid Hodges
Fully abstract valuations for subgames
Hykel Hosni
Rationality as conformity
Vladimir Komendantsky
On abstract game semantics and streams in logic
Barteld Kooi
Multi-Agent Deontic Logic
Maxime Morge
Collective decision-making process to compose divergent interests and perspectives
Eric Pacuit
A Logic of Knowledge and Communications for Social Software
Rohit Parikh
(New York NY):
Social Software, Old and New Results
Andrés Perea
Epistemic foundations for backward induction: An overview
Gabriella Pigozzi
Paradoxes of aggregation and belief merging
Davi Romero de Vasconcelos (Rio de Janeiro):
Reasoning about Games via Temporal Logic
Olivier Roy
Deliberative strategies for non-ideal agents
Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh
(Montreal QC):
Information Flow in Security Protocols: towards an action logic for authentication
Brian Semmes
A generalization of the Wadge and backtrack games
Merlijn Sevenster
The Complexity of Scotland Yard
Tero Tulenheimo
A novel approach to Independence-friendly modal logic
Jouko Väänänen
Dependence, team logic, and determinacy
Robert van Rooij
Semantics and Signaling Games
Wiebe van der Hoek
Social Laws in Alternating-time Temporal Logic
Jan van Eijck
Checking Communication Protocols with Dynamic Epistemic Logic
Philip Welch
Circular definitions and
Adam Wyner (London):
A Prototype Implementation of a Multi-Agent Deontic Action Language
Last changed:
October 30th, 2005