In view of traffic jams, parking problems and parking police, we strongly advice against getting there by car. The easiest way to reach the conference site is by means of public transport, bicycle, or `shanks' mare' (walking).
To find the Euclides building by public transport proceed as follows. Take
tramline 9 (coming from the Central Station) or line 14 and get off at stop
`Plantage Badlaan' (you can ask the driver to announce that stop). Next turn
right and walk through the `Plantage Lepellaan' (100 meters). The white building
at the end of the street is the Euclides building.
Coming from the city center, you can also take tramline 6 or 10, and get off
at stop Alexanderplein (near the Muiderpoort). Turn left (over the water), and
then the first street left is the Plantage Muidergracht. Euclides is the third
building on your left.