Talk by Jan Jaspars and Megumi Kameyama

Preferences in Dynamic Semantics

In order to enrich dynamic semantic theories with a `pragmatic' capacity, we combine dynamic and nonmonotonic (preferential) logics in a modal logic setting. We extend a fragment of van Benthem and De Rijke's dynamic modal logic with additional preferential operators in the underlying static logic, and use a dynamic notion of nonmonotonic reasoning (inspired by Gabbay's nonmonotonic extension of intuitionistic logic) to define defeasible (pragmatic) entailments over a given piece of discourse. The resulting logic gives a formal model-theoretic characterization of the preferential aspect of utterance interpretation in discourse. We illustrate the preferential dynamics with pronominal anaphora in simple discourses, using the dynamic structures of the DRT model theory.

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Paul Dekker, November 2, 1995