Talk by Theo M.V. Janssen


The principle of compositionality of meaning is a principle that has raised many emotions. At the occasion of this 10th Amsterdam colloquium I intend to give an overview of recent arguments (from Pelletier and Higginbotham) and some older ones (of Hintikka) against compositionality and to discuss them. Furthermore the formal results (of Janssen and of Zadrozny) concerning the power of compositionality will be compared. The conclusions will be
  1. there are some general methods to obtain compositional solutions for difficult problems
  2. the two formal result are complementary, and show both that compositionality is not a restriction of possibilities, but a principle of methodology.
  3. seeking a compositional solution means providing answers to fundamental questions concerning syntax and semantics.

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Paul Dekker, November 2, 1995