Ninth Amsterdam Colloquium (Program) Tuesday 14 9.30 Registration and coffee 10.30 Opening by Johan van Benthem coffee 11.00 -- 11.40 Kees van Deemter Michael Moortgat Richard Oehrle 11.50 -- 12.30 Dorit Ben-Shalom Paul Buitelaar Anne-Marie Mineur lunch 14.00 -- 14.40 Fabio Pianesi Erkan Tin Achille Varzi Varol Akman 14.50 -- 15.30 Sheila Glasbey Theo M.V. Janssen tea 16.00 -- 16.40 Patrick Blackburn Enric Vallduvi Claire Gardent Ron Zacharski Maarten de Rijke 16.50 -- 17.50 David Israel 18.30 -- 19.30 Reception in the Agnietenkapel Oudezijdsvoorburgwal 231 Invited Lecture - David Israel: The Very Idea of Dynamic Semantics Contributed Talks - Kees van Deemter: Sorites and the Context-dependence of Vague Predicates - Michael Moortgat and Richard Oehrle: Order, Dependency, Connectedness: Parameters of Multimodal Inference - Dorit Ben-Shalom: Natural Language, Generalized Quantifiers and Modal Logic - Paul Buitelaar and Anne-Marie Mineur: Compositionality and Coercion in Categorial Grammar - Fabio Pianesi and Achille C. Varzi: The Mereo-topology of Event Structures - Erkan Tin and Varol Akman: BABY-SIT: A Computational Medium Based on Situations - Sheila Glasbey: Progressives, Events and States - Theo M.V. Janssen: Synchronous TAG-Grammars and Montague Grammar - Patrick Blackburn, Claire Gardent and Maarten de Rijke: Back and Forth Through Time and Events - Enric Vallduvi and Ron Zacharski: Accenting Phenomena, Association with Focus, and the Recursiveness of Focus-ground Wednesday 15 9.30 -- 10.30 Jens-Erik Fenstad coffee 11.00 -- 11.40 Rens Bod Tim Fernando Martin van den Berg Remko Scha 11.50 -- 12.30 Jan Odijk Martin H. van den Berg lunch 14.00 -- 14.40 Victor Sanchez Valencia Erik Aarts Ton van der Wouden Frans Zwarts 14.50 -- 15.30 Arie Molendijk Martin Emms tea 16.00 -- 16.40 Goerel Sandstroem A. Kurucz I. Nemeti I. Sain A. Simon 16.50 -- 17.50 Hans Kamp Invited Lectures - Jens-Erik Fenstad: Structure and Meaning - on Mathematical Models for Natural Languages - Hans Kamp: Syntax-Semantics Interface: Where do variables come from and what is to happen to them? Contributed Papers - Rens Bod, Martin van den Berg and Remko Scha: A Data Oriented Approach to Semantics - Tim Fernando: Generalized Quantifiers as Second-order Programs --- ``Dynamically'' Speaking, Naturally - Jan Odijk: Syntactic Generalizations in Compositional Grammars - Martin H. van den Berg: A Direct Definition of Generalized Dynamic Quantifiers - Victor Sanchez Valencia, Ton van der Wouden and Frans Zwarts: Polarity and the Flow of Time - Erik Aarts: Parsing Second Order Lambek Grammar in Polynomial Time - Arie Molendijk: Temporal Orientation, Temporal Ordering and Tense Use in English and French - Martin Emms: Extraction Covering Extensions of Lambek Calculus are not CF - Goerel Sandstroem: Consequentiality, Subevents and Temporal Relations: the Cases of `When' and `Then' - A. Kurucz, I. Nemeti, I. Sain and A. Simon: The Weakest Modal Logic Embedding Lambek Calculus is Undecidable Thursday 16 9.30 -- 10.30 Alice ter Meulen Peter Pagin Dag Westerstahl coffee 11.00 -- 11.40 Pauline Jacobson Jan van Eijck 11.50 -- 12.30 Anna Szabolcsi Kjell Johan Saeboe lunch 14.00 -- 14.40 Henriette de Swart Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Dov M. Gabbay 14.50 -- 15.30 Chris Fox Yde Venema tea 16.00 -- 16.40 John Nerbonne Makoto Kanazawa 16.50 -- 17.50 Mark Steedman Invited Lecture - Mark Steedman: Intonation and Focus Contributed Papers - Alice ter Meulen: Situated Reasoning with Temporal Anaphora - Peter Pagin and Dag Westerstahl: Flexible Variable-binding and Montague Grammar - Pauline Jacobson: i-within-i Effects in a Variable-free Semantics and a Categorial Syntax - Jan van Eijck: On Discourse Referents, Partial Models and Identity - Anna Szabolcsi: Quantifiers in Pair-list Questions: Restrictions and Consequences - Kjell Johan Saeboe: Anaphoric Presuppositions and Zero Anaphora - Henriette de Swart: Definite and Indefinite Generic NPs - Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz and Dov M. Gabbay: Equality in Labelled Deductive Systems and the Functional Interpretation of Propositional Equality - Chris Fox: Individuals and Their Guises: a Property-theoretic Analysis - Yde Venema: Labelled Categorial Grammar and Tree Models - John Nerbonne: A Semantics for Nominal Comparatives - Makoto Kanazawa: Completeness and Decidability of the Mixed Style of Inference with Composition Friday 17 9.30 -- 10.30 Mats Rooth coffee 11.00 -- 11.40 Jerry Seligman Richard Crouch 11.50 -- 12.30 Marcus Kracht Dorit Abusch lunch 14.00 -- 14.40 H. Andreka Reinhard Muskens I. Nemeti I. Sain 14.50 -- 15.30 Andrei Arsov Daniel Hardt Maarten Marx tea 16.00 -- 16.40 Philip H. Miller Jaap van der Does 16.50 -- 17.50 Barbara Partee Invited Lectures - Mats Rooth: An Hybrid Architecture for the Theory of Focus - Barbara Partee: Towards a Typology of Quantificational Constructions Contributed Papers - Jerry Seligman: An Algebraic Appreciation of Venn Diagrams - Richard Crouch: Tense in Simple Conditionals - Marcus Kracht: Syntactic Coding - Dorit Abusch: Sequence of Tense Revisited: Two Semantic Analyses of Tense in Intensional Contexts - H. Andreka, I. Nemeti and I. Sain: Craig Property of a Logic and Decomposability of Theories - Reinhard Muskens: A Compositional Discourse Representation Theory - Andrei Arsov and Maarten Marx: Sophia: halfway between Amsterdam and Budapest - Daniel Hardt: Sense and Reference in Dynamic Semantics - Philip H. Miller: Strong Generative Capacity as the Semantics of Linguistic Formalisms - Jaap van der Does: The Dynamics of Sophisticated Laziness Stand in Paper - Emiel Krahmer: Partiality and Dynamics