Seventh Amsterdam Colloquium Tuesday 19 9.45 -- 10.00 Opening by Johan van Benthem 10.00 -- 11.00 Invited lecture: Richmond H. Thomason 11.00 -- 11.45 Kadmon & Hung Landman 13.30 -- 14.15 Krifka Janssen 14.15 -- 15.00 Morreau van den Berg 15.30 -- 16.15 Voorbraak Groenendijk et al. 16.15 -- 17.15 Invited lecture: Peter Gaerdenfors 17.30 -- Reception Invited Speakers - Richmond H. Thomason, Propagating Epistemic Coordination Through Mutual Defaults - Peter Gaerdenfors, The Emergence of Meaning Contributed Papers - Nirit Kadmon and Fred Landman, Polarity Sensitive 'Any' - Hing-Kai Hung, Applications of Intensional Logic to Program Semantics - Manfred Krlfka, Polarity Phenomena and Alternative Semantics - Theo M.V. Janssen, Models for Discourse Markers - Michael Morreau, Epistemic Semantics for Conditionals - Martin H. van den Berg, A Dynamic Logic for Plurals - Frans Voorbraak, Conditionals, Probability, and Belief Revision - Jeroen Groenendijk, Martin Stokhof and Roel de Vrijer, Dynamic deduction Wednesday 20 9.30 -- 10.30 Invited lecture: Gordon Plotkin 11.00 -- 11.45 Buszkovski Loenning 11.45 -- 12.30 Thijsse Schwarschild 14.15 -- 15.00 Hoeksema Asher 15.30 -- 16.15 Mihalydeak van der Does 16.15 -- 17.00 Kalman Zucchi Invited Speakers - Gordon Plotkin, to be announced Contributed Papers - Wojciech Buszkowski, Remarks on Autoeptstemic Logic - Jan Tore Lonning, Plurality and Secondorderization - Elias G.C. Thijsse, Partial Logic and Modal Logic: a Systematic Survey - Roger Schwarzschild, Against Groups - Jack Hoeksema, Exploring Exception Phrases - Nicholas Asher, Semantics for Derived Nominal and Gerundive Constructions - Tamas Mihalydeak, Extended Partiality in Intensional Logic - Jaap van der Does, A Generaltzed Quantifier Logic for Naked Infinitives - Laszlo Kalman, Deferred Information Representation Theory - Alessandro Zucchi, The Propositional Interpretation of Noun Phrases Thursday 21 9.30 -- 10.30 Invited lecture: Gennaro Chierchia 11.00 -- 11.45 van Deemter Meyer 11.45 -- 12.30 Pruest & Scha Zhisheng 14.15 -- 15.00 Dekker Moltmann 15.30 -- 16.15 Emms Zwarts 16.15 -- 17.00 Hendriks Verkuyl Invited Speakers - Gennaro Chierchia, Anaphora and Dynamic Logic Contributed Papers - Kees van Deemter, Fonvard References in Natural Language - J.-J. Ch. Meyer, An Analysts of the Yale Shooting Problem - Hub Pruest and Remko H. Scha, A Discourse Perspective on VP Anaphora - Huang Zhisheng, Dependency of Belief in Distributed Systems - Paul Dekker, Dynamic Interpretation, Flexibility and Monotonicity - Friedeike Moltmann, The Determination of Part Structures - Martin Emms, Polymorphic Quantifiers - Joost Zwarts, Kinds and Generic Terms - Herman Hendriks, Flexible Montague Grammar - Henk Verkuyl, Did the Guns of Naixirone Hit Miles Twice? Friday 22 9.30 -- 10.30 Invited lecture: Stanley Peters 11.00 -- 11.45 Walinska Moortgat 11.45 -- 12.30 Stabolieva Morrill 14.15 -- 15.00 Berman ter Meulen 15.30 -- 16.15 Szabolcsi & de Swart Zwarts 16.15 -- 17.15 Invited lecture: Hans Kamp Invited Speakers - Stanley H. Peters, The Meaning of Reciprocals - Hans Kamp, Discourse Representation, Mental Representation and Verbal communication Contributed Papers - Hanna Walinska de Hackbeil, The Syntax of Slavic Aspect - Michael Moortgat, Cut Elimination and the Elimination of Spurious Ambiguity - Marta Stambolieva, Notes on Aspect in Bulgarian and English - Glyn Morrill, Grammar and Logical Types - Stephan Berman, Towards the Semantics of Open Sentences - Alice ter Meulen, English Adverbial Verbs as Generalized Quantif”ers - Anna Szabolcsl and Frans Zwarts, Functional Composition in Combinatory Grammar - Henriette de Swart, Non-quanitficational Readings of Adverbs